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Article 325-36 into force from to

  • Version into force from to
ELI : /en/eli/fr/aai/amf/rg/article/325-36/20161021/notes

I.-All information, including marketing information, issued by a crowdfunding investment adviser shall be fair, clear and not misleading. It shall be presented in a balanced manner.

The content of such information must comply with Articles 314-10 to 314-17.

II. - All marketing information issued by a crowdfunding investment adviser shall indicate:

  1. Its company name;

  2. Its registered office;

  3. Its status as a crowdfunding investment adviser and the name of the professional association of which it is a member; and

  4. Its registration number in the register referred to in Article L. 546-1, I of the Monetary and Financial Code.

This information shall also contain a prominent and easily-accessible reference to the risks inherent to the investments the crowdfunding investment adviser is authorised to propose and, in particular, the risk of total or partial loss of the capital and illiquidity risk and, in the case of offers for minibons described in Article L. 223-6 of the Monetary and Financial Code, the risks of the issuer's default, including the default rate described in 3° of Article 325-35, calculated in compliance with that same Article.